We will have Appro this year after all, in the spirit of exercise!
Sports Appro is a sports event organized by Student Union JAMKO and Student Union JYY on 5 and 6 October 2021. In Sports Appro students of higher education from Jyväskylä collect stamps to an appro-diploma by participating in various sports experiments in Jyväskylä.
This year’s event will be held outdoors and remotely, so that the event can be held as safely as possible due to the prevailing corona situation. The sports repertoire includes a wide range of sports, from experiential exercise to yoga and skateboarding to zorb ball.
Come move around and gain new sport experiences.
The best way to stay informed about the event is to follow the Sports Appro´s Finnish websites.
Ticket sale will begin on Wednesday September 22 at 4 pm on KideApp.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liikuntaapprojkl
Join the Facebook event of Sports Appro: https://fb.me/e/HQvtj76p
Instagram: : https://www.instagram.com/liikuntaapprojkl/
Appro-diplomas and Kide.app
Ticket sales for the event will take place at Kide.app, where you will purchase the Sports Appro membership for yourself. Through the membership, you can register for sports experiments, which can be found in Kide.app as separate events. The membership register operates as your appro-diploma, which is displayed to the instructors of the sports experiments. You collect “stamps” to Kide.app through participating sport activities. If you wish, you can pick up a paper appro-diploma from the JYY or JAMKO offices starting from 27.9.
The sale of the membership acting as an appro-diploma will begin on Kide.app on Wednesday 22.9 (tickets sold out). Registration for the sports experiments starts on Friday 24.9. at 4 pm. In previous years popular disciplines have gone full very quickly, be ready to register in time!
Instructions for buying the ticket and picking up your appro-diploma:
- Download Kide.app to your phone and buy a membership to Sports Appro. Sale will begin 22.9. You can find a membership with the keyword: Liikunta-appro 2021.
- Register for sport experiments once you have acquired membership through Kide.app. You can find the sports experiments in the events of Kide.app and you can identify them in the title “Liikunta-appron lajikokeilu”
- You can pick up a paper appro-diploma at offices of JYY or JAMKO starting from 29.9. (JYY: Keskussairaalantie 2, JAMKO: Rajakatu 35)
- You can pick up a Liikunta-appro overall patch after the event at JYY and JAMKO’s offices.
The study requirements (required “credits”/”stamps”) for Sports Appro are the following for each degree:
- Approbatur = 1 credits
- Cum Laude = 2-3
- Laudatur = 4-5
- Doctoral/PhD = minimum 6
Insurances and safety
We want that Sports Appro is a positive experience for every participant and gives new ideas that promotes movement. As organisers we have certain responsibilities for offering good and as safe experiences as possible, as well as the instructors of different activities do. Therefore, it is important that participants follow the given instructions and also it is especially important that you listen to yourself and your own abilities to avoid unnecessary risks. It is the responsibility of every participant to assess one’s own health and insurance before attending the event.
Sports Appro are signing on an accident insurance contract with Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) that applies to the student members of JYY and JAMKO. The insurance covers all sports except rugby. In the program there are also some sports that are not included in this insurance. In the case of accident, please contact. https://www.oll.fi/opiskelijalle/jasenedut-opiskelijalle/miten-haen-tapaturmakorvausta/ (insurance page only in Finnish, you can also contact OLL).
Do not attend if you have any flu symptoms, feel ill otherwise or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Let’s make Sports Appro a good, safe and fun-filled experience together!
Sports Appro program
Here you can find all the information about disciplines and schedules. All sports experiments are either outdoors or online. The program may still change so follow this bulletin as well as Sports Appro´s Facebook / Instagram.
Studio Laive (online)
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 9-9.45 Yoga
Jyväskylän korkeakoululiikunta
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 10-11 Stretching (online)
klo 16.30-17.30 Easy Aerobic Stream (online)
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 17-18 Kettlebell (Kampus arena: Keskussairaalantie 4)
Superfutis (zorb ball) / Vehkahalli, Wilhelm Schildtin katu 1
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 9.30-10
klo 10-10.30
klo 10.30-11
klo 11-11.30
Jyväskylän rullalautailijat / Pohjalammen koulu, Kuokkala /Liitukuja 4
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 12-13.30 Skateboarding
Jyväs-Golf / Keljonlahdentie 11
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 13-15 Golf
Kampuskoiratoiminta knowhau / Agora, Mattilanniemi 2
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 16-17 Dog walking
Jyväskylän Rugby Club / Vehkalammen kenttä, Wilhelm Schildtin katu 1
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 17.30-19.30 Rugby
Tavinsulka / Tuomiojärvi, Taulumäentie 47 (starting point at Kivelänranta)
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 17-19.30 Canoe tour in Tourujoki
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 10-12.30 Canoe tour in Tourujoki
SocialSports app
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 9-10 Cheerleading (Kampuksen tenniskenttä, Keskussairaalantie 4)
klo 16-18 Nature walk (starting point will come later)
klo 16.30-17.30 Athletics (Kampuksen kenttä, Keskussairaalantie 5)
klo 17-18 Basketball (Kampus arena, Keskussairaalantie 5)
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 16-17 Spikeball (Kampus arena, Keskussairaalantie 5)
klo 18-19 Football (Kampus arena, Keskussairaalantie 5)
Load SocialSports app from Appstore or Play Store and sign up for disciplines.
Jyväskylän Pilates Studio (online)
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 9-10 Pilates
YTHS (online)
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 12.30-14.30 Massage course (you need a partner for the lesson)
Jyväskylän tanssiopisto (online)
Tuesday 5.10.
klo 14.30-15.15 Hip hop
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 15-15.45 Hip Hop
Suunta Jyväskylä / Seminaarinmäki, starting point will come later)
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 16-17.30 Orienteering
Crossfit 40100 / Ailakinkatu 5
Wednesday 6.10.
klo 16-17 Boot camp
klo 17-18 Boot camp
Jyväskylä CitySpotting
Free trial week! You can get a pin code for the adventure by purchasing a Sports Appro ticket. www.cityspotting.fi/kirjaudu
Jyväskylän seudun avantouimarit (ice swimming club) / Köhniö / Tikka / Tuomiojärvi / Palokka / Vaajakoski
Free trial week! You have to make pre-registration 27.9. at last. More detailed locations of swimming areas. https://jklavanto.net/uimapaikat/