Every subject and hobby association has to register their boards annually to the Student union to ensure communication between the associations and JYY. This is done by filling out the registration form you can find on the left panel. Subject associations and hobby associations have their own forms.

You can register as a association under JYY if you comply with the following requirements:

  • The association has at least 7 members
  • The association is a registered associaton (done in PRH)
  • The association’s actions are not against good manners
  • The association takes into account the right to be treated equally and respectfully in all of their actions
  • At least half of the members are also members of the Student union or the activites of the association specifically target members of the Student union
  • The association complies with the values of JYY: community, responsibility, equality and influence

When an association registers under JYY

  • They can apply for grants
  • Board members get an association letter sent to them every month
  • Association members can attend trainings held by JYY
  • They can reserve spaces from the university
  • The association gets counseling from the the member service secretary
  • The association will get themselves listed on our website
  • The board can collect a keycard for their association space for their term

We hope that you do the registrations as soon as the board changes so we can update our mailing lists as soon as possible.