JYY names Heli Ylikoski as a candidate for the SYL board for 2025

The Student Union JYY has decided in its representatives’ council meeting on Wednesday August 28th to name Heli Ylikoski as a candidate for the board of the national union of university students in Finland (SYL) for 2025.  

Ylikoski is currently a member of JYY’s board, responsible for academic affairs. She is studying in the University of Jyväskylä in the Cultures and communities in a changing world -program. 

“Student advocacy is very important to me, and SYL does that for everyone. I want to have an even stronger influence on the information that advocacy is based on, and how much subject association actives and students in general are listened to in the student movement. Association actives have vast experience and understanding that isn’t always taken advantage of in JYY or SYL. I think advocacy is all about respecting and listening to others”, Ylikoski says. 

The Chair of JYY’s board, Akseli Immonen, is impressed with Ylikoski’s work as a board member and believes she would be a great asset to SYL. 

“Heli has done great work as the board member responsible of academic affairs at JYY. Grasping the internal workings of universities can be challenging even for the experienced, but Heli is sharp-eyed and skilled in finding the right places for advocacy, which has impressed me greatly. Heli continues the JYY tradition of talented academic affairs experts and she would be a great board member for SYL”, Immonen says. 

The SYL board and chairpersons are selected in the assembly on November 15-16 in Espoo.