Call for applications for positions on JYY’s Board of Executives for the year 2019

Call for applications for positions of responsibility within the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä has started. We are accepting applications for posts of members of the Executive Board, the Chair of the Council and the Vice Chair of the Council. The call is open 7.-26.11.2018.

What does the Board of Executives do?

The Board of Executives consists of 7-10 members and is responsible for operative decision-making within JYY. The Board also gives statements on matters concerning students, gives out grants for organizations and recruits employees for the Student Union. Please note that the position is very time-consuming and requires experience in, for example, student organizations or the Council of Representatives in addition to expertise in 2-3 of the following sectors:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • The Student Newspaper Jylkkäri
  • Student Organizations
  • Kampus Kustannus Publishing House
  • International Affairs
  • Development Cooperation
  • Finance
  • Academic Affairs
  • Culture
  • Municipal Affairs
  • Sports
  • Social Affairs
  • Tutoring
  • Communications
  • Student Village Kortepohja
  • Environmental Affairs
  • Corporate Relations

If you wish to apply and are not a Finnish speaker, contact the current Chair of the Council Bella Forsgrén ( for further information and details on how to compose your application.