JYY and JAMKO are looking for a Sports Appro coordinator!

Sports Appro is a sports event organized by the Student Union JAMKO and Student Union JYY, where students can collect stickers to their Sports Appro diploma by attending different kinds of sports activities around Jyväskylä. In 2018 we are excited to organize a two-day event on the 9th and 10th of October. In 2017 over 250 students had a chance to try out over 15 different sports activities and in 2018 we want to enable the participation of even more students and sports operators!

The coordinators’ key tasks are:

  • Project planning, coordination and practical arrangements
  • Finding partners for the event and collaborating with them
  • Event communication and marketing, updating the program on the event webpage and Sports Appro diploma
  • Planning and organizing a final event of the Sports Appro

The Sports Appro coordinator is responsible for the big picture and the practical execution of the event. The coordinator will work in together with both JYY and JAMKO, who familiarize the coordinator with the event and support the coordinator throughout the project.

The desired qualifications:

  • Interest towards sports and well-being
  • Independent work manner and innovativeness
  • Cooperation skills
  • Organizational and project management skills
  • Ability to create inspiring communication material in both Finnish and English
  • Familiarity with the different sport opportunities in Jyväskylä or interest towards getting to know them

The role of the coordinator is project based and the work starts in May or as agreed upon. Most of the work will take place between August and October of 2018. The final reporting and tasks after the event will take some time at the end of October. A compensation of 1000 euros is paid for the position after finalizing the project, you will need to present your tax deduction card.

Please apply by sending a pdf-file containing your motivation letter and your CV by the 18th of March the latest. Title the e-mail as “Coordinator for Sports Appro” and send it to rekry@jamko.fi. The applications will be deleted after the selection is over. Only applications in accordance with these guidelines will be taken into account.

The applicants will be chosen for interviews based on the applications and the interviews will be arranged on the 21st of March at the Rajakatu campus of JAMK. JYY and JAMKO wish to receive applications from people of different ages, genders and from different backgrounds.

More information:

Joonas Haggren
Board member of JYY, responsible for sports

Ville Laitinen
Board member of JAMKO, responsible for well-being and sports events
+358 45 3194 907