The higher education students’ campaign for the parliamentary elections 2019 has now been published and can be found at
The main theme of the student movement’s election campaign is intergenerational equity. We need to agree that sustainable solutions cannot be achieved by reducing young people’s opportunities to make a living, get an education and live on this planet in general. Above all, we need decision-makers who think further ahead than a single term of office.
These elections focus on some major themes. SYL and SAMOK’s shared focus is on education, income and the climate. The past four years have not been a golden age for students, but now we have the opportunity to change direction.
Our electoral campaign will focus on topics that are important to the students during the elections, with enthusiasm and positivity, but at the same time, it challenges the decision makers with certainty. We want to see the solutions and to be heard. That’s why we ask the decision makers through the campaign: What is your solution?
The election campaign website can be found at
#koulutustaprkl #educationprkl #utbildningprkl