Petro Pitkänen and Jenni Laitiainen recruited as new Member Services Secretary and Specialist in Communications

JYY’s new Member Services Secretary is Petro Pitkänen and the new specialist in communications is Jenni Laitiainen. 

Pitkänen is finishing his studies in music pedagogy at the Universtity of Jyväskylä. He has previously worked as the chairperson of Pedaali ry and in the board of the Teacher Student Union of Finland (SOOL). Pitkänen started in his position in the beginning of February.  

The Member Services Secretary serves JYY’s members and helps support and advise associations that work with JYY. 

-It’s great to be able to get to work in a student organization. There is still a lot to learn but I’m very excited to start in this position, Pitkänen says. 

Laitiainen graduated with a Master’s Degree from the University of Jyväskylä in 2020. She has previously worked at the Student Union JAMKO as a communications and trusteeship advisor. Laitiainen started in her position on 24 January.  

As JYY’s communications specialist, Laitiainen cooridnates and develops the student union’s communications, produces content and supports board and staff members in communications tasks. 

-It has been great to start in this new role and to get to know my new colleagues, Laitiainen says. 

More info

Minna Oinas
Executive director
+358 (0) 45 138 6816