In Rentukka you can find many ideal facilities for studying, meeting and hobbies.

Most of the common rooms are included to the rent of the tenants of Soihtu and as a tenant you can easily enter the rooms with your Village Key.

Also many of our common rooms are possible to book, even though you are not a tenant of the Student Village. We are very happy to support all kinds of activities, so if you want to organize an event or a club open for every one, don’t hesitate to contact our staff!

More information:

Join the community:

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Communal Activities in Kortepohja Clubs in Rentukka

Space for Studying

Learning Spaces Group Work Room


Space for Hobbies

Bubble Band Room

Club Room  Work Shop


Meeting Rooms & Party Venues

Bertta Club Room Lillukka


Rental Sauna


Common rooms’ keys

Key loans for the common rooms in Kortepohja Student Village are handled through Soihtu Housing service point and keybox. Reservations for these rooms will continue to be managed electronically.

Additionally, from Soihtu Housing service point, you can also pick up:

Since July 1st, 2024, access to the club room has been possible using your own Village Key. Therefore, those who have made a reservation for the club room no longer need to separately pick up a key.

Common rooms’ rules and regulations

Terms and conditions for sauna and leisure room reservations




Parking lots for visitors can be found between building C and T (5 spots) and next to building H there is parking for disabled visitors (4 spots). Address is Taitoniekantie 9.

Also parking lot for visitors of the Student Village at Emännäntie (drive through Laajavuorentie-Tietoniekantie).

Map of the Student Village

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