Student, This Is How You Can Help Restrain the Virus

Jyväskylä has moved to the spreading stage of Covid-19 on 31.1.2021. The infections and exposures among students have contributed to the congestion of infection tracing. University and University of Applied Sciences have reacted to the situation by setting their own restrictions.

As students we can help curb the progress of the pandemic and cut off the chains of infection.

  • Answer your phone even if it’s an unknown number: authorities will contact you by phone if you have been infected. All conversations with the authorities are confidental and no personal information is being distributed.
  • Make it easier for the authorities and tell them about a possible chain of exposure. Tell accurately where you have been and who you have been in contact with. Let’s be responsible together and stop the spread of the virus.
  • Avoid any gatherings – contact tracing is still underway and some who have been exposed are still to be reached. You might have been exposed even if you don’t have any symptoms.
  • Stay in quarantine if you have been infected or exposed: ask your friends for help and utilize home delivery services. Let’s help and support each other so that those in quarantine can manage at home and avoid all contacts outside their homes. If your partner or roommate has been exposed, you are also in quarantine.
  • Get tested even in the case of mild symptoms or if you think you might have been exposed. You can make an appointment for a test by calling +358(0)44 266 0133 or filling in the Coronavirus symptom checker at the OmaOlo-service.
  • Help and support each other so that the quarantined people can make it at home and are able to avoid any outdoor movement. Thank your friend who is staying responsibly in quarantine and follows all instructions.

Guidelines And Useful Links

More Information

Petri Laaksonen
Chair of the Board of JYY

Stella Palassalo
Chair of the Board of Jamko