Apply to be JYY’s candidate for SYL & OLL boards for 2021

Every year students are chosen for positions of trust in our national student organisations to represent and advocate for students. JYY is a member of both SYL and OLL, and therefore takes part in their decision making, including political matters and filling positions of trust. This means that JYY can also suggest candidates for the board and president. 

JYY’s Council of Representatives decides about nominating candidates in its September meeting. The actual decisions and elections will be held in general assemblies of SYL and OLL in November. JYY’s board will give the council a proposal of who to nominate as candidates. The board can propose candidates for both board membership and presidency.

The board decides on the proposal in September before the council’s meeting. JYY’s board kindly asks to submit a letter of motivation and curriculum vitae for consideration during the month of August to the president of the board via e-mail  

In the materials it must be stated whether the interest is for SYL or OLL, suitability and motivation for the position and possible campaign pointers that would be showcased as a candidate. Additionally, it must be stated whether the interest is for presidency, board membership or both, and in the case of OLL, interest for vice presidency also. 

It is also possible to declare interest in a position in the council meeting. However, the board has already made its proposal before that, so interest indicated in the meeting cannot be taken into account in it. In this case a council member must propose an amendment to the decision at hand for the newly interested person to be considered for nomination. 

Interested students should note that OLL presidency and membership in SYL’s board require full time participation in Helsinki for the year of 2021. More information on both organisations can be found on their respective websites. 

SYL, i.e. the National Union of University Students in Finland, is a student organisation which represents approximately 132,000 students in Finland. All student unions in Finnish universities are members of SYL. SYL is an expert on student life and education, taking care of students’ rights and bringing the voices of younger generations forward. 

Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), founded in 1924, is a national student and higher education sports advocacy and service organisation. OLL represents all higher education students in Finland. OLL advocates, serves, trains, researches and works in national and international fields for student sports. 

Additional information

Ira Vainikainen
Chair of JYY’s board
+358 (0) 44 137 1964