Apply for JYY’s Sustainable Development Week’s organizing team

What does responsibility and sustainability mean to you? Are you interested in promoting sustainable development issues in your local community? Join the organizing team for JYY’s (Student union of the University of Jyväskylä) Sustainable Development week!

JYY’s Sustainable development week is part of the project called Sustainability holds us up, uphold sustainability, which is carried out by The National Union of University Students in Finland and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The project challenges students to consider their consumer habits and introduces goals for the 2030 Agenda. The week is held 3.-9.10.2022.

As a member of the organizing team, you will plan and implement the week’s program. There are various bigger and smaller tasks, of which you can choose according to your interests and resources. You’ll get inspired and meet other students from different study backgrounds. The program consists of seminars, discussions, training courses, documentary sauna night, and IG-live videos.

Join us on Thursday 8.9. at 16:00 for the first team workshop. You will learn more about the week and dive straight into the topic. The workshop will be held online at Teams.

Register for the workshop by sending an e-mail to and you’ll get a link for Teams.

For more information, please contact Merja. Merja is a student of environmental sciences and coordinates the theme week.


Merja Avonius

The project coordinator of the Sustainable development week

+358 40 58 31 932