Grant Application for Events and Projects

This form is for applying JYY's grants for individual events or projects (general grants for organizations are applied for with a different form).

  • Person responsible for the event / Chair of the Organization
  • If you are applying for a grant on behalf of an association mention it here
  • Either x euros or x euros / JYY's member
  • Clear and comprehensive description of the event/project and its purpose, to whom the event is planned for etc; The estimated number of participants and the estimated number of JYY's members participating; Grounds for granting the funds; Schedule for the event/project; Information about the possible participation fee
  • If an event is held every year, it is recurring and thus it is not valid for a grant
  • Income and expenses of the event/project; The amount of self-funding from the organization; Other grants or funds applied for the same event/project; Total amount applied from JYY
  • You can also add the event description and the estimated budget as a pdf-file.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.