JYY’s office has new opening hours

JYY’s office has new opening hours. Starting March 6th, we will be open on weekdays at 11 am – 1 pm. 

The earlier opening time makes it easier to visit the office during lunchtime, and membership service on the phone is also available at 11 am – 2 pm. You can also visit the office outside of the opening hours by contacting our membership service and making an appointment via email at jasenpalvelusihteeri@jyy.fi or by phone +358 50 430 6747.

In addition to the Ilokivi Central Office, semester stickers for your student card can also be picked up from the following places: 

Ilokivi Venue
Mon-Wed at 12-17

Soihtu Housing Service Desk, Vehkakuja
Mon at 10-15
Wed at 10-15
Fri at 8-12

Rentukka Info Desk
Tue at 13-15
Thu at 13-15 

We are trying out the new opening hours this spring, and we encourage you to give us feedback so that we can continue to serve our members in the best possible way. We encourage members to give us feedback about the opening hours and service through this form.

More info

+358 50 430 6747