Take JYY’s Member Survey and Win a Gift Card to Ilokivi

JYY’s annual member survey is split in two this year. In spring, we want to know how satisfied the members are with JYY’s current operation and its different sectors. Every answer matters as all students in Jyväskylä’s University benefit from JYY’s services

The survey is open till May 9th. Everyone who takes the survey can take part in a raffle where one can win a 50 € gift certificate to Ilokivi. The certificate can be used to buy lunches or other products at restaurant Ilokivi or Ilokivi Venue.

All the student associations that share the survey on their Instagram accounts can win a free reservation at Opinkivi sauna. Your association can participate by sharing the survey and tagging @jyyinstaa. Every association can have up to 5 coupons at the raffle.

You’ll find the survey here.