How to apply for grants and how we process them
Grants can be applied for by a student group, team or association registered to the sphere of JYY; or by several associations together. In addition, individual students may apply for grants to cover entry fees for national or international sports competitions. The amount of the grant awarded depends on the content of the event or competition and the number of JYY members participating.
Applications must be submitted using the online application form at least two weeks before the project or event for which the grant is requested. All grant applications will be processed by the JYY Organizational Sector (the Board’s Organizational Officer and the Member Services and Organizational Specialist).
The contact person named in the application will be informed of the decision without delay.
All grant applications must be accompanied by the following documents
a description of the project:
- a clear and comprehensive description of the project/event and its purpose; who the event is aimed at, etc.
- estimated number of participants, number of JYY members broken down
- the reasons why the grant should be approved
- time schedule of the event/project
- information on the participation fee, if any
- the budget for the project/event:
- breakdown of income and expenditure
- self-financing of the event
- other bodies from which support or grants may have been requested
- amount to be requested from JYY
Click here for the application form
Reporting on the grant
A report on the use of the grant must be submitted at least one month after the end of the event or project. The application contact person will complete the report after the event, including the attachments (receipts). If the final report is returned late, the grant for the event will not be paid. If the report contains the necessary information and supporting documents, the grant will be paid to the account indicated in the application.
Click here to access the report form
More information
Specialist in member and association affairs
Petro Pitkänen
050 430 6747
JYY central office
Jyväskylän yliopiston ylioppilaskunta
Keskussairaalantie 2
40600 Jyväskylä
Association representative in the board
Mirka Huhtelin