You can contact us using this contact form. Additional contact information can be found below.

Contact form temporarily out of order due to high amount of spam. Please be in touch via email

The Student Union Central Office is located in the Student Union House at the heart of the Seminaarinmäki campus. At the Ilokivi office you can find the specialists responsible for helping students and other practical matters.

The contact info of the Business Unit of JYY, Soihtu, can be found on the Soihtu webpage.

The Union’s Accommodation Services and Financial Services can be found at the Vehkakuja Office. The Accommodation Services’ employees will assist you in matters relating to housing in the Kortepohja Student Village.

Ilokivi Central Office

Advocacy and member services


Jyväskylän yliopiston ylioppilaskunta
Keskussairaalantie 2
40600 Jyväskylä

Opening hours

Mon 11.30-13.00
Tue campus day
Wed 11.30-13.00
Thu 11.30-13.00
Fri closed

PLEASE NOTE! On Thursday February 6th, our office is closed.

Also open by appointment.


Office open normally until Thursday 19th of December.

Office closed between 20.12.-6.1.

Opening hours on week 2

Mon 6.1. CLOSED
Tue 7.1. 11.30-14.00
Wed 8.1. 11.30-14.00
Thu 9.1. 11.30-14.00
Fri 11.1. 11.30-14.00

Opening hours on week 3

Mon 13.1. 11.30-14.00
Tue 14.1. 11.30-14.00
Wed 15.1. 11.30-14.00
Thu 16.1. 11.30-14.00
Fri 17.1. CLOSED

Office open normally starting from week 4.

Campus days on Autumn 2024

JYY member service is out on Campus every tuesday 11.30-13.00 as follows

Ti 3.12. Ylistö restaurant lobby
Ti 10.12. Agora lobby

Give us feedback about the opening hours and member service.

Contact information

+358 50 430 6747