Jelmu ry is a Jyväskylä live music association organizing events at Tanssisali Lutakko. Gigs (rock, rap etc) are mainly organized by volunteers. Our group of volunteers is very international – welcome!

Choir Cantinovum

Cantinovum, the chamber choir of the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences.


Choir at Kortepohja

Choir Musica

Choir Ruamjai

Ruamjai is a mixed choir of approximately forty young vocalists. Ruamjai is especially known for its lively performances and breaking the bounds of traditional choir music. The word ’ruamjai’ comes from the Thai language, meaning ’shared heart’. Together our music blooms into something greater – Ruamjai’s shared heart beats louder than all of its singers combined.

Choir Tulus

Wind band Puhkupillit

Symphony Orchestra Sinfis

Symphony orchestra Sinfis is the representative orchestra of the University of Jyväskylä. In addition to having a main concert every semester the orchestra plays in university and private events. Sinfis rehearses every Monday at 5 pm in lecture hall M103. We warmly welcome all string, wind and percussion musicians to play with us!