If you are eligible for student financial aid, you can also apply for it during the summer months if you study full time. You can get general housing allowance all year round even if you don’t study during the summer months. If you can’t either work or study during the summer months you might be entitled to basic social assistance.
Student Financial Aid during Summer
Students can get financial aid in the summer, provided that they will be studying during the summer months. Financial aid is granted for example for lecture courses, set book exams, on-the-job-training or for working on your final project or thesis.
Kela: Students – apply now for student financial aid for the summer months!
General Housing Allowance during Summer
Students who have been granted general housing allowance will continue to receive the allowance regardless of whether they are studying during the summer or not. Recipients of housing allowance must, however, remember to request a review of the allowance for example for summer earnings.
Reminder for students to request a review of their housing benefit for summer earnings

Basic Social Assistance
If you cannot study or work during the summer, you might be entitled to basic social assistance. You can apply for basic social assistance from Kela.