Sustainable development week is part of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and National Union of University Students in Finland joint project. The Sustainability holds us up, uphold sustainability project´s goals are to encourage students to change their consumer habits more sustainable. The week takes place from 3.-9.10.2022.

You can register for the events from the links below.


Responsible consumer -seminar by Outi Pyy and discussion

On Mon 3.10. at 15.00-17.00 old festival hall (S212) (In English)

Responsibility, including both ethics and ecology, is a large concept. What are the options for consumers to carry out these different actions in their everyday life? How to compare these, how to stay “on the good side”? In the Sustainable Development Week opening seminar, responsibility influencer Outi Pyy will discuss these questions of responsible consumption with us.

Outi Pyy is a specialist in the area of sustainable clothing care and recycled fashion. Her social media platforms covers the topics of sustainable and responsible fashion industry, textile recycling, clothing care, and how an individual could change their consumption to be more sustainable. In her Instagram account Outi has posted a list about responsible Finnish companies and some vocabulary concerning responsibility and sustainability.

You can find more information about Outi in her blog (in Finnish): and her IG-account @outilespyy

Sign up here:

Is there enough food -discussion with Fair Trade 

On Tue 4.10. at 14.00-16.00, available online (In Finnish)

All people should have enough nutritious and safe food daily. Global warming crisis affects food security in several ways; heat waves, drought, flooding have weakened food security especially in Africa, Asia and Central- and South-America. For example the extreme weather conditions caused by global warming can also aggravate conflicts. Is it even possible to eat both ethically and ecologically? Why almost 700 million people don’t have enough food although enough food is being produced for all? Fair trade professionals will help looking for answers to these questions on Tue 4.10. At 14-15.30 and discussion continues locally at Ruusupuisto afterwards. This event is organised as a part of both Turku and Jyväskylä student union sustainable development week programs. Sign up here: 

Sign up here:

Student organisations´ influencer training of sustainable development

On Wed 5.10. at 16.00-18.00 University Library Lähde, Väite (B248)

Do you want to make your subject association or community more sustainable? How to effect change in different roles and get decision makers to hear your voice? This session is for you. Jyväskylä city council member and public policy grad student Ira Vainikainen helps participants in finding impactful ways to move students and the society towards sustainability on an overconsumption-ridden planet. In the spirit of Agenda2030 goal 12 Sustainable consumption and production participants will learn of the consequences procurement and consumption of goods has both in Finland and globally.

Sign up here:

Training to assess the companies’ responsibility reporting, held by Eetti association

On Thu 6.10. at 16.00-18.00 Ruusupuisto lobby (In Finnish)

What does companies’ social responsibility mean? How do I know if I can trust clothing or electronic store responsibility commitments? How can a student affect the responsibility of student meals or university acquisitions? Join Eetti’s responsibility training to learn new things and meet other people who are interested! Sign up here.

Sign up here:

Hackathon: Corporate sustainability in action, organized by the PATH 2.0 -project

Fri 7th Oct at 16:30–19:30 AND Sat 8th Oct at 10–17. At Seminaarinmäki, the room will be announced later.

Please note: the hackathon’s main language is Finnish. However, you can sign up as a team if you have at least one Finnish-speaking member. The organizers are happy to answer any questions in English during the event, but the instructions and materials will only be available in Finnish.

Would you like to think about sustainability from the point of view of a producer for a change? In this hackathon, our corporate partner Ommellinen will present three challenges that concern their carbon footprint, circular economy services and sustainability communications. Ommellinen is a local textile company.

The hackathon includes both educational content and team work. You will learn more about the above-mentioned themes and create a concrete suggestion of ways forward in response to one of the three challenges. The knowledge and skills you gain are applicable to all fields.

Registration closes on 5th October at 23:59. You should sign up as a team of 3-4 people, at least one of whom speaks Finnish.

Register here:

The event is organized by the PATH 2.0 project, whose main funder is the European Social Fund. You can read more about the project here:


“Our consumer society” (2022) documentary night + sauna

On Sun 9.10. at 17.00-23.00 Opinkivi Sauna (In English)

The 2022 documentary Our Consumer Society examines how the current global consumer society has been formed. What factors can be found in the background of market economy and are there any alternatives to it? Is there an ethical way to consume? Come and watch the documentary together, after which the sauna and outdoor jacuzzi are free to use and conversation continues until 23:00. The event can accommodate a maximum of 50 participants. Sign up here.

Sign up here: