Sports Appro 2023
Student Union (JYY) and Student Union (JAMKO) will once again host Sports-appro on 23rd and 24th of October. In Sports Appro students of higher education from Jyväskylä have the opportunity to earn stamps to an appro-diploma by participating in sport experiments in Jyväskylä.
Ticket sales for the event start on Thursday, 16th of October, at 4 pm in Pre-registration for sport experiments starts at the same time – be fast!
Sport Appro Pass: (BUY THIS FIRST)
Sport Appro, pre-rgister to sport trials:
Follow the event on social media as well!
Facebook page:
Appro-diplomas, registering for sport experiments and
Ticket sales for the event take place in, where Liikunta-appro membership is purchased. Once you have purchased a membership, you can register for sport trials. The sport experiments are shown as different ticket types under the separate Liikunta-appro 2023 event. Sport experiments for which pre-registration is required,’s ticket serves as pre-registration. The stamps are collected in an appro-diploma, which is shown to the instructor. There is a participant limit to some of our sport trials. Please note that in this case participation in the experiment will be checked from These sport trials are announced separately.
Appro-dipolomas can be picked up now from JYY’s or JAMKO’s offices in office opening hours.
Ticket sales and registration to sport trials starts on on Monday, October 16th at 4 pm. Popular sports fill up quickly, so it’s better to be early!
Instructions for purchasing a membership and registering for sport trials:
- Download the application to your phone and buy a membership to the event. The sale starts on 16.10. at 4 pm. Membership can be found in with the search term: Liikunta-appro 2023.
- Register for sport trials in The sport experiments can be found under the two days the “Liikunta-appro 2023” event.
- The paper appropass can be picked up from the JYY or JAMKO office. A more specific date will be specified soon.
This year, you will need 1-2 stamps, regardless of whether you have or have not previously participated in Sports Appro event.
Insurances and safety
We want Liikunta-appro to be a pleasant event for everyone and to encourage different types of sports. It is important that you act in accordance with the instructions and your own performance in the sport trials. Participants in the event are responsible for assessing their health before participating in the event. Do not participate in the event if you have flu symptoms, are sick or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Accident insurance has been taken out for the event. More detailed information about insurance can be found below.
The student members of JYY have taken out an accident insurance policy for the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and under certain conditions it covers possible accidents for the members of the organizations. If the sport trial is not covered by accident insurance, it is stated in the description of the trial. Please check this before registering for the sport trial. In the event of an accident, you can contact via this link. (Only in Finnish)
All students of Jamk who have an active JAMKO membership are covered by SAMOK’s accident insurance. The insurance covers everything else except extreme sports. So if you study at Jamk but are not a member of JAMKO, you, unfortunately, do not have accident insurance on behalf of the event organizer, but you participate at your own risk.
Sports Appro’s program
Monday 23.10.
Mondays sport trials on red backround
Tuesday 24.10.
Tuesdays sport trials on green backround
Tavinsulka: Paddling
Paddling trip
Monday 23.10
Pre-register (100 participants)
Ready Set Pole: Pole dancing
Paddling trip
Monday 23.10
Pre-register (15 participants)
uMove: Bodycombat
Bodycombat in English
Monday 23.10
Place: Sports hall at Jamk, Rajakatu 35
Pre-register (15 participants)
uMove: Zumba Step
Bodycombat in English
Monday 23.10
Place: Voimistelusali (VS), Liikunta-building at Seminaarinmäki (Keskussairaalantie 4)
Pre-register (15 participants)
Pleace arrive 10 minutes before the start of the sport trial and collect equipment from storage L149.
Sport Appro X uMoveCrossFit Harju: Crossfit
Monday 23.10
Place: CrossFit Harju, Ahjokatu 12
Pre-register (14 participants)
Jigotai: Judo
Monday 23.10
Place: Monnari, Monitoimitalo (Kuntoportti 3)
Pre-register (30 participants)
CrossFit 40100: Crossfit
Monday 23.10
Time: 14.30-15.30
Place: CrossFit 40100 (Vasarakatu 9)
Pre-register (16 participants)
Padel Adder: Padel
Monday 23.10
Time: 9.00-15.00 (both days)
Place: Padel Adder (Kylmälahdentie 9)
Pre-register, check out the options
Liikunan Riemu (Lemmings): Hike in the woods
Relaxing hike in Laajavuori
Monday 23.10
Time: 17.30-19.30
Place: meetting outside Laajis
Pre-register, no limits
Pleace take a lamp and someting to eat at the bonfire with you.
Sport Appro X Liikunnan RiemuCrossFit 40100: Crossfit
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 14.30-15.30
Place: CrossFit 40100 (Vasarakatu 9)
Pre-register (16 participants)
Tavinsulka: Paddling
Paddling trip
Tuesday 24.10
Pre-register (100 participants)
Ready Set Pole: Air yoga
Air yoga
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 13.15-14.15
Place: Ready Set Pole, Cygnaeuksenkatu 3
Pre-register (15 participants)
Ready Set Pole: Aerial silk
Aerial silk
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 12.00-13.00
Place: Ready Set Pole, Cygnaeuksenkatu 3
Pre-register (15 participants)
Jyväskylä Rugby Club: Rugby
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 21.00-22.00
Place: Vehkahalli, Wilhelm Schildtin katu 1
Pre-register (30 participants)
uMove: Bodycombat
Bodycombat 55 min.
Tuesday 24.10.
Time: 8.30-9.25
Place: Voimistelusali (VS), Liikunta-building, Keskussairaalantie 4
Pre-register (15 participants)
uMove: Roundnet/Spikeball
Tuesday 24.10.
Time: 14.00-15.00
Place: Palloilusali (PS), Liikunta-building, Keskussairaalantie 4
Pre-register (15 participants)
uMove: Body Pump
Body Pump 55 min.
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 17.45-18.40
Place: Sport hall at Jamk, Rajakatu 35
Pre-register (15 participants)
uMove: Body Care
Body Care 55 min.
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 18.45-19.40
Place: Sport hall at Jamk, Rajakatu 35
Pre-register (15 participants)
Suunta Jyväskylä: Orienteering
Tuesday 24.10.
Time: 16.00-17.00
Place: Mäki-Matinkatu 6 (Harju)
Pre-register, no limits
Break: WCS intro (dance)
Intro-class to rock and swing dances
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 17.30-18.30.
Place: Seminarium, S303
Pre-register (24 participants)
Padel Adder: Padel
Tuesday 24.10
Time: 9.00-15.00 (both days)
Place: Padel Adder (Kylmälahdentie 9)
Pre-register, check out the different options